Friday, October 28, 2011

Introducing Dr. Dave

Hello everyone and welcome to Dr. Dave's Average Mind.  First let me introduce myself.  My name is David Gibson and I have a doctorate that serves me well in the leadership and organizational development fields.  However do not expect this to be leadership blog.  This is a blog about me.  It is an expressive outlet for an educated guy with average mental abilities (maybe slightly above average on a good day).  It is not my ultimate goal to have this blog read by anyone, but it would be cool to have a bit of a following.  It is an outlet for someone that spends a lot of time with a two year old and gets only mild adult conversation.  My two year old son, my wife, my wife's career, my career struggles, our new life in Madison, Wisconsin, my love of sports, old memories that may or may not be interesting, new experiences with the same parameters, my political views (only so much however), and whatever comes to mind at any given time will be the basis of this blog.


  1. Dr. Gibson,

    Great to learn that you and your family are doing so well, and congratulations on finishing the doctorate!



  2. Thanks Dr. Daugherty. I hope all is well with you and yours.

