Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Candy

Halloween is one of those times every year that are great for kids, but for we adults that lack self control (particularly me) it is a blessing and a curse.  In preparing for the day, both my wife and I came in with a couple of bags of candy for the trick-or-treaters without knowing the other was buying candy.  Now we have twice the candy that we felt necessary.  What we could do is double up on the amount of candy we will give out on the 31st, but do you think we will do that.  No we're already doing what I feared.  We're eating the candy, which tastes pretty good (blessing).  Yesterday, I had a couple of packs of M&M's, two Baby Ruth's, a Snickers, and I split a Kit Kat with my son.  I don't even want to tell you what I included in my breakfast this morning.  It is shameful my lack of self control when I have sweets around (curse).

An extra five pounds to my already over-weight body seems to be the destiny for me for the few days that surround Halloween.  But I bet my son has a blast.  We don't know if we'll take him trick-or-treating or just have him hand out candy.  I think he might like handing out candy best this year, so I am leaning that way.


  1. Don't eat all of the candy Dr. Dave. Save some for the kiddies!

  2. Too late DCologist. Actually we have a lot of candy left. I have to get Amy to take it to work or I'll be 300 pounds.
