Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Wife and Fantasy Football

A marriage is only successful if the couple in question share a similar core value system.  My wife, Amy, and I are both politically moderate, we enjoy the same types of music and movies, we are both achievement oriented, we believe in the importance of education, and we love our little boy more than anything.  The problem is that she fails to share a core value that I have: fantasy football is awesome!  In fact my wife hates fantasy football.  It is quite possibly the only thing that we don't see "eye-to-eye" on.  Could this be a threat to our marriage?  I hope not, but before we go too much further, let's get into why the awesomeness of fantasy football is not only a value I share, but a value shared by America and thus should be valued by my wife.

American football is without a doubt the most popular sport in the United States and it is not close. That was not always the case.  Just twenty years ago football and baseball were virtually on par with each other in terms of popularity.  A shift took place around that time, and I believe that shift was fantasy football in conjunction with the fact that football shows better on television than does baseball.  I've heard that anywhere from 30 to 47 million people play fantasy football every year.
As a result, it is a phenomenon, dare I say an American value. 

So let's look at this logically.  It could be argued as the reason for the popularity of football.  It is played by 47 million people.  And it is an American value.  What is Amy's problem?  You might remember some of those logic exercises we did in school, like if Amy is a woman, and women are always right then Amy is always right.  Well let's put her to the test.  If fantasy football is an American value and my wife does not like fantasy football then she must be anti-American.  Isn't that the way it goes.  Let's try another.  If 47 million Americans think fantasy football is awesome, and my wife does not think it is awesome then she is apparently not a patriot.  Yeah, I think that is solid logic.  Socrates would be proud.  I am an American patriot and my wife is not because I think fantasy football is awesome and she does not. 

The question is, how can we get my wife to see the light and become more American ("Merican" if you like).  Maybe you know what I'm talking about.  Maybe you struggle with the same threat to your life-long partnership.  Check this out.  Amy rolls her eyes when I get online to check the drop/add list.  She looks at me with a blank look whenever I begin to tell her about the great trade I made.  She zones out when I suggest my acquisition of Aaron Rogers may result in a fantasy football title.  She fails to stop at Starbucks when we are traveling long distances on Sundays so I can get a wireless signal and check the progress of my team.  I don't understand.  She and I are not in alignment.  And she is something less than supportive when I throw things across the room or growl like a wounded animal when I discover I've lost to the "Teabaggers" or "DaBoys" by a point when my opponent's Quarterback throws a bomb for a touchdown in overtime on Monday night. Where's the empathy???  Does she need thearpy or a "re-education"program?

I really don't know the answer.  So I ask you ladies and gentlemen (most likely gentlemen), what can we do to help my wife...maybe your wife to understand how awesome our passion is?  Our marriages could be in dire straits if we cannot help our wives. Do we hire life coaches for them?  Do we use reverse psychology ("No sweet-heart, fantasy football is not at all important to me, how do you feel about it now)?  Something must be done.  Without a solution they may flee to Canada (because they are un-American) or some other dude. 

1 comment:

  1. I just realized you're "Augie's Dad" in one of my leagues! lol
